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Parallels Desktop® App Store Edition is a fast, easy, and powerful application for running Windows both on a Mac with Apple silicon chips and a Mac with Intel processors - all without rebooting.

NOTE: It is not recommended that existing Parallels Desktop for Mac users move to Parallels Desktop App Store Edition.

Parallels Desktop Installation Assistant helps you to get up and running in a few minutes. Powerful performance lets you run many Windows apps on your Mac, including games and CAD programs.

- Download and install Windows 11 on your Mac in two clicks.
- Share Mac folders with Windows—including Desktop, Documents, and Downloads.
- Copy/paste formatted text and files between macOS, Windows, and Linux.
- Drag and drop text, files, and images between macOS, Windows, and Linux.
- Resize the window to get the desired Windows or Linux resolution.
- Enhanced desktop, video, and gaming experience with a higher refresh rate.
- 3D graphics acceleration up to DirectX® 11.1.
- Play Windows games with a Bluetooth controller right out of the box.
- Use Mac printers in Windows and Linux.
- Connect USB devices to Windows and Linux.
- And many more...

- Creating and editing virtual machine configurations is available for free.
- There is a fully functional 14-day introductory trial period to test Parallels Desktop for your needs.
- Running virtual machines requires an in-app purchase of an auto-renewable subscription (1 year). You can cancel at any time.

- On a Mac with an Intel processor, you can run most Windows, Linux, and macOS versions.
- On a Mac with an Apple silicon chip, you can run Windows 11, Ubuntu Linux, Fedora Linux, Debian GNU/Linux, Kali Linux, and CentOS Linux (all ARM-based versions).

NOTE: See the complete list of supported operating systems and system requirements at

We want you to be delighted with Parallels Desktop. If you have any feedback, problems, or concerns, please get in touch with us at